Forum newbie w/ a turtle

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Aquarium Advice Newbie
Feb 3, 2011
Bay Area, CA
I stumbled upon this forum from a google search (i clicked on something and this app installation popped up on my iphone). I figure I'd give it a shot and join (cheers!)...i hope to learn more about aquariums, filters, habitats, etc.
My pet:
She's a terapin turtle named Money. I thought she was a male at first because of her long nails and tail, but then found out "long" meant extremely long, and that she doesnt have. I adopted the turtle from my brother about a year ago (he's had her for about 4-5 years) We're not sure of her age but her shell is about 6 inches long (head to tail).
Tank set up:
I initally had one of those cool looking "aquarium coffee tables" (the $700+ kind). Yes - it was pretty awesome :) BUT one of the filters stopped running (out of 2 filters), then one of the glass walls cracked (thank god it didnt bust), then the coffee table was just to big for my living room... (btw, if anyone wants to know more about these coffee tables i'll be more than happy to explain..its too expensive to just spontaneously buy one). Anyway, So i finally got rid of it and got a 50 or 55 gal tank (4' wide, 1' deep, 2' tall). As of today my tank consists of a tetra reptofilter (50 gal), a few bricks as a dock, and water 5" deep. Boring! Im looking to add decor and stuff but im having the hardest time deciding what to do.
The 1 filter i have is one of those "make ur own waterfall" types.. (tetra reptofilter-dark green and unnatractive). As a filter, its not strong enough especially with all the mess my turtle makes (or could it be that i need to change the filter cartridge more often?). Im looking to get another filter once i figure out how im gonna decorate the tank.
Well, i think i got all the intro basics down. I'll be posting more topics in the designated categories...
Thanks for reading and have a wonderful day

-Michael and Victoria
welcome to AA! :D There aren't many people on here that do the reptile thing, but you'll get plenty of help with water chemistry, beneficial bacteria, and the like.
The general suggestion with turtles is to use a canister filter, because they are so messy.
And with replacing filters, its suggested not to replace them until they're falling apart. When they get dirty, simply rinse them in old tank water.
Welcome to AA. :)

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