Aquarium Advice Newbie
I started a 55g fowlr about six months ago and everything has gone well so far thanks to a lot of reading on this site. Coraline is coming in, fish are still alive and healthy. I would like to upgrade and take on the next challenge to a reef tank. I know I need to upgrade my lighting and wanted to run my setup and live stock by you for any other problems you see or suggestions.
Lighting - I am looking at getting the 48" Coralife Aqualight Pro which has:
2x150w 10k MH
2x96w actinic blue cf
3x1w lunar blue led
good, bad, suggestions!
Current Setup:
55g long
protein skimmer
trickle filter
2 power heads
lots of live rock
Live Stock
1 cleaner shrimp
2 emerald crabs
8 turbo snails
1 nassarius snail
1 diamond goby
2 tank raised clowns
1 yellow tang
I also could use a recommendation for an anemone for the clowns. Thank you for all the help everyone has provided on this site.
Lighting - I am looking at getting the 48" Coralife Aqualight Pro which has:
2x150w 10k MH
2x96w actinic blue cf
3x1w lunar blue led
good, bad, suggestions!
Current Setup:
55g long
protein skimmer
trickle filter
2 power heads
lots of live rock
Live Stock
1 cleaner shrimp
2 emerald crabs
8 turbo snails
1 nassarius snail
1 diamond goby
2 tank raised clowns
1 yellow tang
I also could use a recommendation for an anemone for the clowns. Thank you for all the help everyone has provided on this site.