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Aquarium Advice Freak
Apr 20, 2004
sanford, florida
was in the process of moving my new 75 gal from my friends house when i found a "worm" that kinda looked like pics that i have seen of bristle worms....BUT it was completely red and had 4 antennae and i swear i saw eyes!!!! i stuck it in the QT b/c i wasn't sure that he was kosher....

sorry i dont have a digital cam at the's in Arizona with the BF
Did it look like this?

If so it is a eunicidae worm. They can grow to 50 FT in the wild 8O.

Check out Steve Weasts tank
i saw something really similar in my tank the other day. i know for sure it had red antennae that look kind of hard. the top of it was also tan like that. :?
i hope it dies!!!! i saw the one on it was 72"! my tank is only 30"!!!!

lets hope its not that!
steve r
wow what a cool pic but unfortunately no.........the worm we saw was a little more towards flat (although tech. it was roundish) and i elieve it only ha 4 antennae...and all down the body it had legs/appendages/crawly things like a centipede......also the entiere thing was reddish/black/grey
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