From 29 Gallon to 14 Gallon Bio Cube or 12 Gallon Nano Cube?

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Aquarium Advice Activist
Feb 14, 2011
I currently have a 29 gallon long right now but I'm downgrading because I live in a college apartment and it's just too big. I want something a little more simple because I'm starting my master's program and simply don't have the time for the upkeep on my 29 gallon as I used to. Also, it's become quite costly, and my lights are soon to expire and I can't afford new ones. I've put some money aside to invest in a nano reef. In my 29 gallon, I currently have:

24" Nova Extreme 4x24watt (5 Months Old 3/7/11)
T5HO 2-10k/2-460nm actinics
96w total wattage
CPR Bak Pak 2R Protein Skimmer
- Replaced Powerhead (3/12/2011)
35lbs of Live Rock
Live Sand 2-3 inches sand bed
1 coralife cp750 powerhead (750 gph)
1 aquaclear 30 (175 gph)
2 black clownfish
1 Mandarin Goby
6-Line Wrasse
5 Nassareus Snails
1 Peppermint Shrimp
3 Turbo Snails
1 Tiger Tail Sea Cucumber

1 coral banded shrimp

Flame Scallop
Emerald Crab
1 Mushroom Red
2 Green Mushrooms
2 Nuclear Mushrooms
Pagoda Cup Coral
3 colonies of Green Star Polyps
1 Frogspawn with 2 Heads
1 colony candy apple coral
1 colony green bay packer coral


The lighting specs are my biggest concern and how hot the tank gets is also another concern of mine.

The JBJ comes with:
Includes (2) 24 watt CF lamps with a durable (Fulham - UL Approved) remote electronic ballast w/ disconnect cable. Offered with our powerful 50/50 lamps for marine tanks and 6500K daylight for planted tanks. Both lamps include UL Approved German "Snap-In" lamp sockets for easy bulb install and removals. Installed with splash guard lens for lamp protection.

The 14g Bio Cube comes with:
1 420nm Actinic 24 W PC / 1 1000k 24 W PC

I'd like to be able to keep all my corals and both clown fish. Anyone have any suggestions on which one to go with, which lighting is better for the corals I have? Which is easier to maintain?


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