Frozen Bloodworms Feeding Question

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Sep 6, 2011
Antelope. CA
I thawed 1 cube of frozen bloodworms & fed them with a turkey baster to my fishy's last night. I made sure every worm was eaten.
I have an Angel, some guppies, a couple long fin tetras, and a couple mollies.

Should I skip a day of feeding after those bloodworms? I feed flakes in between.

The bloodworms are pretty big. I would put approx. 5-6 worms in with the baster & make sure they were eaten before putting more in. All of the fish are fouraging as usual today and would probably eat the flakes right up. But I am worried about an ammonia spike due to the waste that the worms & normal flakes would create.

Thanks for the responses....
How often do you feed your fish?

If it's every day then yes you'll be bound to have some uneaten food. However if you consider feeding every other day or 4 days a week. Then you could do Bloodworms every other feeding. The days you don't feed allows your fish to forage for uneaten food.
I feed flakes once daily. I don't have a lot of uneaten food on the bottom. My fish pick at the decorations and plants. I have never seen any type of an algae that they are picking at either. I thoroughly vacuum my gravel 4x's a week right now due to daily pwc's pending a complete cycle.

I just thought that the bloodworms were the equivalent to a Thanksgiving meal to my fishy's. haa haa haa haa Since us humans will have a big "release" after a large meal, I figured the fishes would too & that would cause an ammonia spike.
My Angel is only the size of a half dollar piece & she took down 4 very large bloodworms.
You're spoiling them by thawing it and feeding them with a turkey baster - I just pop the cube right into the tank (or maybe I'm spoiling mine!). They'll eat all of them as long as you're not feeding them the bloodworms everyday.

Mine (3 guppies, 1 loach) get a cube probably twice a week and flakes every day or two. My pregnant guppies (x2) eat at least 4 bloodworms each :) oink oink!
I've read you should always thaw frozen food in warm tank water before putting it into the tank. It can foul the water very quickly and fish eating food right out of the freezer is probably not very good for them. I thaw a cube in a small cup of tank water and only put a small portion into the tank. I was pretty surprised at how large the pieces were the first time I did it and I did fast the fish the next day, but I'm probably overly cautious about trying not to overfeed.
Since I feed 4 days a week, I alternate between Bloodworms/ flakes, Brine Shrimp/ Flakes, Cucumber/ Flake, Peas/ Flakes.

Both the worms and shrimp I thaw and dump them over the output nozzle so the current spreads them out. It doesn't matter, none of it ever lasts more than 30 seconds ... Barbs are Voracious eaters!!
When I feed the frozen food to my fish I just let it sit out for about 5 minutes ( they seem to thaw very quickly) then I pop it in the tank my TO gobbles them whole most of the time and what he doesn't eat the rest of my fish gobble up lol! :) I usually see no leftovers at all because my pleco takes care of anything left!
I've read you should always thaw frozen food in warm tank water before putting it into the tank. It can foul the water very quickly and fish eating food right out of the freezer is probably not very good for them. I thaw a cube in a small cup of tank water and only put a small portion into the tank. I was pretty surprised at how large the pieces were the first time I did it and I did fast the fish the next day, but I'm probably overly cautious about trying not to overfeed.

Hmm. The cube thaws very quickly in my tank and the water is great. They never miss any of the worms, everything is gone within 5 minutes - I'll have to keep an eye on it though! Thanks.
Thanks everyone...

I initially popped the frozen cube in the tank and the mollies swarmed it. They were so voracious that I think they scared the others and I saw the remainder of the cube just drop to the bottom. I watched it sit there for about 15 mins & several fish swam around it but would not eat on it. So I sucked it up with the turkey baster and decided to drop in a few at a time. When I started it that way then they all were eating. My mollies would take it straight from the end of the turkey baster. It was kinda cute. ( I Know, I Know...There just fish. ;-)) I couldn't help it though.

I was VERY surprised at the size of the bloodworms when the remainder cube was thawed in the cup. I also have 2 prego guppies & my oinkers were swimming around with a bloodworm bigger than themselves with 90% hanging out of there mouths. HAA HAA They were munching though & eventually ate the whole thing. That's when the fasting idea came into my head.

I will fast them a day after bloodworm feedings & reduce to once daily every four days on the flake food. I will also introduce cooked/shelled peas too. I have seen several people on here feeding that & there fish love it.
I think my hubby will officially label me as a "NUT CASE" if I start cooking meals for my fish. :dance:
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