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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Aug 17, 2012
I am super confused right now! Yesterday morning I put SeaChem Dark Fluorite in my tank, then added gravel on top. I have driftwood and plants in there as well. I rinsed the gravel and rinsed the driftwood under cold water for a couple minutes. I didn't rinse the fluorite. I have plants in the tank as well. I am so confused after reading all the comments across the internet.

I have my filter running and overnight my tank went from "EXTREMELY Yellow Cloudy" to "VERY Yellow Cloudy but I can see the back of the tank a little". Well, I'm thinking with a couple water changes, maybe the cloudiness will go away? But, when it all becomes good and clear and I add fish and all the dust is sitting out the bottom. How do i gravel vac? Won't my whole tank just become cloudy once again? When I have fish should I vacuum this gravel or just water change it? Should I just dump all this fluorite and gravel out and start with something that won't make my tank cloudy and make it easier to clean? I'm so confused and frustrated :(
Just do a big water change. The driftwood will cause the water to yellow. And after that wc if its still cloudy, do another.
I hate to call it out there but you have three threads open on this very topic. Look at your other thread I have given you four things on what it could be.
Sorry your having such a rough go! From what I've heard flourite needs to be rinsed, rinsed, and rinsed some more. You need to do water changes, alot. When I set up my tank with a different substrate I emptied and rinsed the tank for 7 days and ran a filter. On day 8 I planted. But I didn't use flourite. Vacuuming the gravel as best as you can would help. Also lightly shake the plants to get any settling dirt off them. Yes, your tank will get cloudy again. But if your running a filter it will keep pulling all that particulate matter out of the water column which is what you want. You just have to live with alittle cloudy for a few days, its not that bad. If you have alot of planting vacuuming the gravel is hard, just vacuum where there is no plants. Doing water changes will help more than anything.

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