fry growth and vacuum

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Apr 8, 2004
san francisco
I've been concerned about the quality of my gravel in my fry tank .. a 10 gal with a batch of bronze cory fry about 1.5 week old .... there is a little bit of fuzz on some of the gravel and I would sure like to vacuum it but at this time the fry are still so small I believe I would cover them in gravel if I didn't vacuum them up ... how long does it take them to grow so I can easily avoid them? .. of course I've been trying not to feed them to much - so to avoid poor quality on the bottom ...
Not an easy task, best advise i can give is....Try studying their living area.They tend to hide when scared. Clean around those hiding spots without distrubing them to much. Even if you can't get everything cleaned, cleaning a little is better than nothing. Best of luck :wink:
Use a very small diameter siphon; I use airline tubing, and have it go into a very clean, white container. You will most likely have a fry or 2 go for a ride; they're easier to find in a white container LOL Mine were.

You'll need to get the fungus off the gravel else it will likely affect the fry.
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