Fungal spots on Angels?

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Aquarium Advice Addict
Dec 12, 2005
Tampa FL
This morning I noticed some fuzzy white bumps on my Angel in my 10 gal (I know but he was getting nipped badly). I am guessing a fungus. It's not on any of the other fish in the tank.

the wired thing is that I went to the 55 in my waiting area and the other angel has the same thing. Just the angel.

Is there a wierd angel only fungus? I put rid ich in the 10 gal and pulled the carbon. should I be raising tank temps too like ich?
No, do not raise the temperature. Rid Ich and similar meds usually contain a anti-fungal med, which is good, but if this medicine doesn't work I would start using Pimafix right away.

There is no angel only fungus that I am aware of. :)

Best of luck.
What I would do is set the fish in a hospital tank for a week or two with a half and half mix of Malachite Green and Methylene Blue. During initial treatment I would scrape the fungus off and apply an antiseptic on a daily basis until healed.

This has worked well for me.
Bob is laying on the bottom of the tank. I did a water change and he perked up for a minute now he is back to flat on the bottom. He was swimming at all sorts of odd angles. the white dots are now one big spot all over his head.

poor Bob.
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