Funky Monkey Auratus

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Aquarium Advice Addict
Aug 1, 2011
Charleston, SC
My auratus has looked horrendous for the past couple of months. (I've got a before picture on my profile.) He was lovely. Now he is ugly. The other one I have in my tank looks the same as well... They are the "big boys" of the tank. Bossy. What's up with that?
It's a maturing male. They start out pretty yellow and black, and females (for the most part) stay that way. Males turn ugly! (sorry if that offends) google them, males turn that weird dark coloring. So that's what's happening.
it looks better once it goes ALL dark blue, it looks horrible when its mixed between the blue and the yellow.
bcurlacher54 said:
it looks better once it goes ALL dark blue, it looks horrible when its mixed between the blue and the yellow.

It would almost HAVE ta look better! lol
Yeh at first I thought that was what was happening as well... That was back in June. And recently my other auratus who is about half the size is taking on this ugly coloring. lol I hate looking at it!
they are weird, my females go back and forth also. havnt found a viable reason as to why. the dominant male usually stays dark blue with the nice bright white stripe.
Yeah, I use to keep them but have since given up. It's a shame, I love it when they're yellow.
The males become much more aggresive when their color begins to change from the yellow, and often spend alot of time at a dull brown rather than blue.
IME auratus were aggressive at all times. They never picked on my dom fish nut everyone else was open season!
mfdrookie516 said:
My auratus were the wimps in my tank. Every fish has their own personality, mine acted like neutered cats

I wish!!! I would have kept them if they acted like that. Mine were bullies! and ugly ones at that!! lol
My auratus turned brown and got mean. I had to return him to the store as he became such a bully. All peaceful in my tank now. I have heard they can get pretty aggressive- and my experience agrees with that!
I wish mine were that calm! I honestly cannot stand either one! And to top it off they are both ugly!! The one pictured has killed numerous female auratus and barely tolerates the other fish in the tank. I cannot wait to find a new home for them. I had someone interested via craigslist; but, they wanted to put him in a 10g. -_-'
wow, no nightmares to report from either of the five i have in my tank, YET. The dominant male does spend some time chasing the females but not any of the other fish. but with four targets he cant chase them all and gets tired and just leaves them alone mostly.
Yeah, as much as I love the looks of them (when they're yellow and black) I've given up on trying to keep them.
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