Funny Gill on Betta

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Aquarium Advice Freak
Oct 19, 2005
Watertown, NY, USA
I work at PetCo, in the fish department, in Watertown, NY. I was doing water changes on the bettas. I noticed that one betta had his right gill "flexed out", except it's permanetly like that. He seems ok except for that. I put in a tad bit of MelFix one to two drops) as per the manager. It's not doing a thing. The boss said I can adopt him. Any ideas as to what is ailing him, or anything that can be done. I've really gotten attached to him.
Does it look red or swollen? If so, maybe some antibiotics would help. If not, maybe it's an injury caused in shipment. I've never seen anything like that. Just keep an eye out for signs of infection, and keep the water very clean. Clean water can help a lot. I would adopt him like your boss said - staying in the little cup isn't good for any betta, and it sure won't help this betta in his condition. I would caution you about using Melafix on bettas (or even Bettafix, since both meds have the same active ingredient). Search here or on the web for "bettas and Melafix". Some people have used it with bettas but I and others found that it stressed bettas. The active ingredient has the potential to irritate their labyrinth organ. If a betta is already ill, I wouldn't want to stress him further by using the Melafix. It's a great med for other fish, but for fish with a labyrinth organ, I wouldn't use it, or be very careful if you do.
Thank you for the information on the MelaFix. The gill looks like it's half way into or out of a flare. Someone else had mentioned a possible defect, but would most likely live a happy and normal betta life with proper care. I brought him home to day, Hubby said I should name him, what else but, Gill. He acts like my other two (which are perfectly healthy) just has that funny gill thing going on. I don't think he's holding the gill out, I think it's like that by its self. I will keep you updated. If I can get a picture up I will.
Thank You again for the advice.
So far so good. What do you think about me throwing a bit of aquarium salt into his living area. It's like 1/2 gallon so I know around a tablespoon or so. I'll make sure I do 1/2 water changes daily. Thanks again.
There are a lot of opinions about using salt in a FW tank. I don't believe it is necessary to use in the tank all the time but it can be useful for treating nitrite poisoning, ich, or other stressful conditions. Give it a try for about a week to see how he responds. Just watch and make sure your betta isn't acting abnormally after the salt addition.

One tablespoon is way too much for 1/2 gallon! I would only use 1/4 teaspoon of salt. The dose that I've found in searches is one tablespoon per 5 gallons.
So he can move the gill a little bit? That does sound like a good sign. Maybe it is beginning to heal! Even if it stays extended, it's a good sign that he can move it. Hopefully it means that the gill is functioning too.
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