Future 10g red cherry shrimp tank

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Exactly you just contradicted yourself.

Nitrite and Nitrate are NOT bacteria as you stated
The nitrite an nitrate ARE the bacteria

They are byproducts, food and waste from the bacteria you mentioned, Nitrosomonas and nitrobacter
The bacteria is everywhere, not just in the filter. On the glass, in the gravel, in the filter and a small portion is still in the water until the cycle is complete.

From this I got that you thought they disappeared after the cycle was complete. One could infer that you implied that since bacteria were on the surfaces DURING the cycle that you thought they disappeared when the cycle was COMPLETE by the way you wrote what you did. I guess it was the word "until" that messed up your sentence. If you had written it correctly people would have known what you meant.
Nitrosomonas and nitrobacter ARE the NAMES of the bacteria!!!

Actually, you are wrong yet again. Nitrosomonas and nitrobacter are both the genus classifications into which MULTIPLE chemoautotrophic bacteria fit. There isn't just ONE bacteria that is called nitrosomonas and one bacteria called nitrobacter as you have implied. Once again, if you had written correctly there wouldn't be a misunderstanding. I read correctly, you just don't know about what you are talking.
Okay, lets see if we can get back on topic. It sounds like everyone is trying say the same thing even if it didn't come across that way at first.

Generally it is not recommended to add Shrimp to an aquarium that is not established. This does not mean that you need to worry about doing either a traditional or fishless cycle before adding the shrimp. Instead you can add lots of plants and give them a few weeks to get established and growing well before adding the shrimp. Well established plants will easily take care of the minimal waste created by the shrimp.
Update with pictures!!!

Below are some updated pictures of my shrimp tank. Thanks bs6749! It is so hard to capture these little guys on camera, but I had to try. The first picture is pretty much just my tank....those plants are looking good and growing! The rest of the pictures are ones I tried to capture of the shrimp. They are so darn cute and fun to watch!! :D
Not sure how I missed this? The tank and shrimp are looking good:D, Also I'm glad you found 2 more RCS in your other tank with more plants I'm sure you can get a small population in there. BTW what are you feeding the shrimpies now?

not to clutter up porksnorkel's thread(I just noticed his username, rofl)

Anyway CO2 is used by plants which then create O2 oxygen.

That mini filter you have just happens to be a great way to distribute CO2 from which ever source(DIY and pressurized as described in the link, well kinda). Instead of just having a CO2 line in the tank or some have other passive ways to "diffuse" CO2, or some just put the hose into the inlet of there power filter.
Not sure how I missed this? The tank and shrimp are looking good:D

not to clutter up porksnorkel's thread(I just noticed his username, rofl)

Anyway CO2 is used by plants which then create O2 oxygen.
The CO2 Fever: DIY CO2 Injectors - Article at The Age of Aquariums - Tropical Fish

That mini filter you have just happens to be a great what to distribute CO2 from which ever source(DIY and pressurized as described in the link, well kinda). Instead of just having a CO2 line in the tank or some have other passive ways to "diffuse" CO2, or some just put the hose into the inlet of there power filter.

This article is kinda getting over my head a tad....not sure I am ready for that yet. Not sure my 10g tanks even need something like that...but you're right...maybe if I get that 29g....keeping fingers crossed. I have a question in to the owner right now on it's dimensions. I need to know how tall it is to know if I can put it on my kitchen countertop as I previously wanted to.
If it's like a typical 10 gallon tank size as in width it should fit. I have my ten gallon tank sitting on my kitchen bar on one side and my 5 gallon on the other side of the bar. I like em there.
If it's like a typical 10 gallon tank size as in width it should fit. I have my ten gallon tank sitting on my kitchen bar on one side and my 5 gallon on the other side of the bar. I like em there.
It's the height I am worried about, Amy. Above the kitchen counter where I want to place the tank is a set of built in cabinets so I only have about 16" to work with and most tanks (with hood on) are going to be higher than that.
Ohhh I see what you are saying now. I was actually thinking of putting one there, but never did.
Actually, you are wrong yet again. Nitrosomonas and nitrobacter are both the genus classifications into which MULTIPLE chemoautotrophic bacteria fit. There isn't just ONE bacteria that is called nitrosomonas and one bacteria called nitrobacter as you have implied. Once again, if you had written correctly there wouldn't be a misunderstanding. I read correctly, you just don't know about what you are talking.

"if you had written correctly there wouldn't be a misunderstanding. I read correctly, you just don't know about what you are talking (about)"

I have probably 10x more experience than you. If you want to nitpick, thats one thing... If you can't read between the lines and understand, thats another. Don't go around insulting people you don't even know.
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Consider this the last warning. While the original discussion of the Nitrogen Cycle was beneficial to OP, it has degenerated into an arguement that is not. Please keep the thread on topic or it will have to be locked.
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