GBR female died, what to do with male?

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Aquarium Advice Activist
Nov 9, 2013
I have a 20 gal, heavily planted tank with 12 neon tetras and 4 striped Kuhli loaches (Oh and 3 nerite snails). I wanted to add a centerpiece fish, so after some research, I decided to purchase a pair of german blue rams. I've had them for about 2 months, and a few days ago my female died. I have no idea why. I vacuum and do water changes on this tank every 3 days, and I've never had off levels. When she died, I didn't think to test the water because I was in a rush to leave and simply removed her and did a big water change. She looked normal when I removed her, and all of my other fish appear healthy.

My main concern is, what to do now. Should I leave my male in there alone? Should I purchase a new female and see if they pair up? Could I add another type of single fish? Any advice is appreciated.
The male will be fine in there alone. If they were a breeding pair than you most likely won't be able to add a female and have them breed.
I bought them together because they had paired up, but they hadn't bred. I don't care about them breeding, I just wasn't sure if they needed a companion. I would like to have another fish, but I don't want to buy a female for him that he doesn't like.
If they havn't bred yet then you can still get a female and try to make it work. Otherwise he will be perfectly fine alone.
Same thing happened to me had a pair and female mysteriously died. Bought a juvenile female for the male. Hoping they pair off. But she is a lot more wild then the first female. She thinks she is a tiger barb and schools with them ignoring the male
That's what I'm concerned about. I don't want to add a female if I'm not sure they'll pair up.

What about adding a small gourami? From what I've read they should be okay in the same tank. I'd be pretty fully stocked though.
He's beautiful! I'd love a red one, but I picked up a powder blue gourami at my LFS today.
I just got one male. I didn't have room for more than 1 extra fish
Can I see a pic of your tank

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Sure. I was referring to the bioload being too high rather than physical room though.


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Looks really nice

Sent from my ALCATEL ONE TOUCH 5020N using Aquarium Advice mobile app
Cichlid can not be around live plants when and if they eat them it tears up there digestive system. The male will be fine around himself as long as he can have other fish too role with. He would probably do it with the tetras. HAVE A NICE DAY!
Or the gourami a friend of mine actually did that since there from the same region there fine with eachother
Your GBR will thrive in a planted tank. This particular 'cichlid' originated in the drainage lowlands of Venezuela and Columbia. It's familiar with planted waterways.
Maybe someone else can buzz in with specific types of plants to be avoided as they would be hazardous to plant munchers.
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