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So could I get away with low light plants in my tank with these bulbs, even though its a higher tank than most? Do some low light plants get tall? Does any of this light affect the stock of my fish?
Light doesn't affect fish. Unless it's like a disco maybe.

Since the tank is tall, the light needs to be powerful to penetrate the water to get a good amount of lighting. Since you only have a t8 bulb (which are low light on any tank) you will only be able to grow very low-low light plants.
Wait! Are there converters I can get to plug into my T8 sockets to fit T5 bulbs?
Only two plants and its in your 125 gallon tank? I want a fairly heavily planted tank though.
Not sure about the converters, I but I personally wouldn't feel safe doing that.

And, Amazon Swords are low light plants. A couple t8 bulbs will have no problem growing them.
My advice is throw the Nutrafin Cycle in the bin along with the PH adjusting chemicals.

Get your hands on some pure ammonia and do a fishless cycle.

Also for tanks over 55G I normally would recommend a backup heater.

Finally what sort of filtration system will you be setting up?

I have the pure ammonia. What's my next step?
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