Ghost Shrimp Compatibility

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Aquarium Advice Addict
Jul 31, 2003

What fish do you guys have with your ghost shrimp? I've got my 9 of them in a small tank by themselves, but want to add them to my community tank. Do you think dwarf gouramis/rosy red minnows will try to eat them????

Cautious Combiner
Hi...may I jump in here? I was about to start my own ghost shrimp thread, but I'll get in here if you don't mind. :)

I want to put a ghost shrimp in with my bettas, partly to take care of algae if I get a real plant, and maybe to keep the bettas company a little. My lfs said the bettas may try to nip at the shrimp. They said any carnivore fish may nip at it. (Of course, a big carnivore fish will eat it!) If they end up nipping really bad, I'll take the ghost shrimp back. I'll watch for a little while and see; if the bettas are not going to tolerate it, I'll take it right back.

If I get some (one for each betta), should I quarantine them first? They are in a tank at the lfs with some albino cories, I believe. As invertibrates, are they susceptable to ich and other diseases? I know a lot of meds say do not use with invertibrates. Is there an invert med if they do get sick?
I have 7 of them in with a fresh water crab and they all get along.
A coworker of mine has a 10 gallon on his desk with like 5 ghost shrimp and in with them, there are two fancy goldfish, adult male betta, baby betta, chinese algae eater, male and female guppy . They all get along fine.. :D
I am sure any community fish (non-aggresive) would be fine.
I have a few cherry shrimp in my 10g along with the dwarf gouramis. Similar size to the ghost shrimp. When they first went in, the gouramis tried to taste em; but them lil buggers are QUICK! The gouramis gave up rather quickly, and the shrimp are fine after 2 months (I think...hard to see em with all the plants in there although one did make an appearance yesterday!). The gouramis ignore them completely now.

They aren't susceptible to ich (guess the shells are too hard for it to penetrate) but I'd QT em anyway for other things. I've got that bamboo shrimp in QT right now as a precaution.
I have 2doz in the bottom of my tank, and they live most happily with a Peacock Eel, CAE, Several Feeders, Bala Shark, 4 Balloon Mollies and 2 month old Salfin Mollies. Not to mention Hammer [ My fiddler crab w/the 2inch claw which is infamous for getting into the filterf or some absurd reason ] and his female fiddler counterpart.

The Bala Shark chases the shrimp around and tries to eat them, however thus far they've proven to ellusive for him.
So how should a ghost shrimp be quarantined? Is a "kritter keeper" ok? It's 3.8 liters -- about a gallon. I don't think I'd need a filter, but would I need an airstone? What am I looking for in qt, and how long should it be in there?

P.S. William, I've seen your picture of the said the bala shark chases the ghost shrimp. It's a wonder that the Hammer doesn't get out and chase you around!!!!! :lol:
You guys are lucky. I have tried PetSmart and Petco and they never carry Ghost Shrimp. I WANT Ghost Shrimp!!! (Sorry if I'm slightly off-topic)
I QT everything, just as a precaution (except plants, but I dip those instead). My bamboo is in my regular QT tank, mostly because its a cycled tank and I know theres something for it to eat (its a filter feeder). I've heard of others who have kept ghost shrimp in small unfiltered containers, but I'm not sure if its recommended.

And I have to admit, I ordered my cherry shrimp online. I was thinking about getting some ghosts from the Petsmart, but decided they prob weren't the healthiest as they are there as feeders and prob don't get the best care. Glad I did; although they are obviously more expensive, the cherry shrimp are SO cool lookin!
An t-iasg said:
P.S. William, I've seen your picture of the said the bala shark chases the ghost shrimp. It's a wonder that the Hammer doesn't get out and chase you around!!!!! :lol:

He tries his dangest to! Little bugger perches himself out of view just under the part of the hood that opens, Waiting for me :p
I have 8 colour shrimp. As long the shrimp cannot fit into your fish mouth then is ok. but do add plant in your tank. :)
Thanks everyone. I will add them to the tank when they've grown a little. They're still only about 1/2 inch, and look so fragile. I am afraid of the dwarf gouramis giving them a tough time at first...

I do have a fair number of anacharis and amazon swords in my tank, along with a little hair grass. That should be fairly good protection.
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