Gill injury - Betta

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Aquarium Advice Newbie
Jan 14, 2017
Hello everyone. This is my first fish and today he injured his right gill(covering of the gill). Yesterday I moved the heater in the corner( before it was 5 cm from actuall corner) and he got stuck between glass and heater for a few sec. As he swimmed in reverese he damaged his right gill on the plastic holding the heater. I saw everything but it happened so fast and I didnt know what to do :(

Now he cant close his right gill. When he flares both gills expand symetricly but when he is not flaring it doesnt look like before.. Is he going to be ok? What should I do? Besides the gill problem, does he look healthy? Thank you in advance!

Please help if someone had similar problem or knows more about gill injuries..
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