Glass Canopys

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Aquarium Advice Activist
Aug 31, 2004
Columbia, TN
Ok, I have been leaving my canopy's open all day and night because I was worried that there wasn't enough oxygen in the tank. I have purchased powerheads and they are circulating the water quite well. My question is, can you purchase prefab screens to go on an aquarium opposed to glass canopys? I like having the tank open. I know that when I get fish, I am going to need something to keep the fish from jumping out of the tank. I was thinking about like a window type screen but didn't know if salt creep would hurt it.

Any advice would be helpful.
How about a wood canopy? Thats what I have on both my tanks and it works well. Egg crate is another option but IMO it dose not look good.
Most of us dont run class covers on the tank. I wouldnt call them a canopy as most of us refer to a canopy in synopsis with a hood. If you have jummpers in your tank you can get eggcrate from the hardware supply store and cut it to fit your tank. This eggcrate has small squares and is used as a florecent light difuser. A window screen would probably block to much light.
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