glass or acrylic

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Aquarium Advice Newbie
Mar 18, 2010
Queens, New York
I've read a lot about the discussion on glass aquarium versus acrylic. I'm planning to replace my 54-gal bow glass with 65-gal but not sure which is better.need more advice. Thanks guys!!!:cry:
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Glass is heavier and not quite as clear as acrylic, but acrylic is far more prone to scratching and is generally more expensive. For a 65g, I'd lean towards glass.
I like glass; i am old school. I know people with acrylic but just don't trust it. It looks nice though.. yeah, go glass
Id go with glass on that size, I don't usually like to think about acrylic unless its about 300 gal or more because of the weight. Just my opinion though.
GLASS! My 100 gallon I have at the moment is acrylic and it's nothing but a pain. It's got scratches all over it, it scratches way to easy and to me just doesn't look as good and shiny as glass does. That's why with the 180 gallon I just bought I went glass this time around.

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