Gold Fish Won't Eat

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Aquarium Advice Freak
Nov 13, 2002
Woodbridge, Virginia, USA
Friday night, a friend of mine moved 3 gold fish from a bowl to a 10 gallon tank. We believe the water was colder when he finished. He does not think the fish have eaten since the move unless they ate something while scavenging on the bottom. They usually it the fish food while it is on the surface. I think he is just using flake food. What can we do to encourage them to eat? Is there some kind of food they can't resist?
Goldies are always hungry! If they stop eating I'd be a little worried, usually means something is wrong. In your case, this might just be the shock of moving, or different temp, or water composition. I'd check the pH, NH3, NO2 just in case.

Also, if your water is really cold (like in the 50's), they will stop eating. They do that in ponds come winter, kinda goes into hibernation.

As to irresistable food, try chopped cocktail (or other cooked) shrimp. Mine also go nuts over peas (cooked, skin removed, chopped).
If you just moved them expect them to take some time to get used to it.
They may not eat for up to 3 days in my experince, but any more than that could be bad and caused by something else.
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