Golden Killi fish

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Aquarium Advice Freak
Nov 22, 2003
Long Island NY
Has anyone ever had them? I just bought two because they looked so nice. They are doing well, but I want to get more info on them. I should have researched first, but the LFS had only two of them and I didn't want to miss out on them.
'Golden wonder' panchax/killies? They get big (4"+), and will go after smaller fish fairly aggressively....easy to keep, but they are jumpers.
I had to turn in some GW Killies, they kept going after the tetras. I drew the line when i found one with chunks of its body missing.

I would keep an eye out on them, it amazes me how fish stores sell them as "comunity" fish when they are nothing of the sort.

killis in general are not community fish. None are. They are all too aggressive. They are best kept in species only tanks, and males should not be kept together, as they might fight with each other.
Interesting. I've seen them listed in community tank listings before in books, etc. :)

I have 2 golden wonders right now that I got at the fish club auction and so far they've been great. They WILL eat fry - they're very swift hunters. Mine haven't gone after any other fish so far (although I think I've seen them break up chases in the tank!) - they're in with platies, gold barbs and cories. The larger one (I got a pair of grossly different size) goes after the sinking wafers when I drop them in - steals them, holds them in his mouth for a few minutes, then eventually drops them again. ;) I'm not sure if the younger fish is male or female - I thought female, but it's getting a good bit of color and not looking as belly-roundish as I'd expect - no problems between them yet.

Mine are neat. I really hope they don't develop any nasty habits, but so far the biggest problem with them in the aquarium has been the fact that they're not fond of bright lighting, so they get this stressy black line when the lights are left on a little too long. That's actually seemed to dissipate a bit now that they've been in the tank a few weeks - they used to stay at the surface but now they visit more parts of the tank and thus have more shaded/sheltered areas they hang out in, seem just generally happier.

I did see some LARGE ones at the auction - they have big, big mouths when they're fully grown.
maybe golden wonders are different from what I have. I would not put mine in community tanks, but then again, I am also heavily trying to breed mine. The eggs would not stand a chance in a community tank, they hardly stand a chance in the tank with the parents. I have to collected eggs every other day to every day to keep them from being eaten.

My blue gularis have HUGE mouths, and they are only 3" right now. They will get to be 5".

None of mine like birght lighting either, but they are starting to get used to it.
I have one Gold Wonder now so far he has eaten neons, threadfin Rainbowfish, rummynose tetras, another type of tetra can't remember the name now, and has taken the tails off of a couple hatchetfish. From what I've seen and read these things will eat anything that can fit in its mouth. If you have anything small in your tank it will likely go after it.
I have two in a tank with rainbows, SAE's and serpea tetras. I've never had a problem with them. They are territorial toward each other though. My main problem is with my alpha male bosmani that chases them every so often.
I have 2 and it took me a coupel of months to figure out why my tetras (had 9) were reduced to 3. They also ate one of my threadfin rainbows. It seems that these fish will eat anything that fits into its rather very large mouth. The killifish do fine now after the tetras and one threadfin was removed to a 20 gallon. They share the 55 with 3 bolivians, 3 bosemani, 3 dwarf rainbows and 4 other larger fish. They will eat small sized fish or try to (you can tell nby the nipped fins on teh fish that survives). They seemed to be very patient hunters.
jinmon said:
Anyone have any experience with golden wonder killies and female bettas? :)

No, but I do have a golden wonder killi that gets along very well with a blue gourami. They are like best friends....always following each other around the tank.
Hee! I have two males - bought them together in one lot at the club auction, one was so small and pale I was sure it was a female... nope. So far, they're good friends too - never seen any aggression, they hang out, etc.

I have hope! :) But I'll set up my 10 gallon before I try adding any other topwater fish... just in case...

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