Golden Wonder Killifish?

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Aquarium Advice Freak
Sep 25, 2013
Azusa, CA
Hello everyone,
Well as the title suggests I just picked up 3 Golden Wonder Killifish.
I loved how they looked therefore I bought them.
In general I know that they are peaceful but I just wanted to know anymore information on them.
I have 3 male guppies, 6 Rummynose tetras, 6 khuli loaches, and 12 ghost shrimp.
Are they going to be safe with my guppies and shrimp as they grow?
Thank you for any information you have!
My experience with them, they will eat anything that they can fit in their mouth (like all fish does), they are expert jumpers, they get aggressive toward other males and even females at times (so have plenty of hiding places.) It's possible that it could be just the ones I got knowing every fish have different temperament and personalities.
Ok thanks,
I moved the guppies to my 20 gal
And the biggest killie is about 2 inches and the smallest rummy is an inch so I hope that they will be ok.
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