Goldfish filtering

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Aquarium Advice Freak
Oct 30, 2014
Hi, I was wondering what would be my best option for filtration I am raising for goldfish in a 10 gallon tank along with some minnows the goldfish only going to be in the tank until the get bigger so I was wondering what filtration is the best I have an aqua clear 30 power filter and an aqua clear 50 power filter I've been running the Aqua clear 30 on the on the 10 gallon tank with just minnows and it seemed to be doing pretty good but I know since goldfish have more waist if I should switch to the Aqua clear 50 why I wasn't using it is that when I had it in with just the minnows it would like actually suck them up all the way into the filter and then I would have to get them out that's why I switch to the Aqua clear 30 which has less flow now there's a lot less minnows in the tank there's only about seven so it might be okay.

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Goldfish grow at a very healthy pace if they're fed properly and have sufficient tank space in which to grow. Given that they have no stomachs, they are VERY dirty fish (excrement / waste). As such, it's critical to have more GPM filtration than what other fish would normally require.

Old cliche formulas (such as 1 gallon per inch) do not apply with goldfish. I would suggest you use AS MUCH filtration as possible, especially with the quantities of fish you've mentioned. Also, I suggest working towards moving this community into a much larger tank ASAP. It appears - as you've described it - your current aquarium is very overstocked.

You should conduct liquid chem tests at a minimum of 72 hours apart, so as to carefully, accurately monitor the numbers of the tank's ammonia, nitrate, and nitrite levels. Frequent WCs are also in order, with that many fish, many of which are Goldfish.

Lastly, please do not take insult to this, I truly do not mean to be anything but constructive and helpful; but your grammar makes it difficult to read through your post. If I may suggest, a little more punctuation, and spell check please. It would make a helpful difference.

Best of luck, please share updates with us.

from iPad using Aquarium Advice
29 gal, fresh water, fluval 206 with ammo-carb + mech, replacing gravel with sand and live plants
I only have 6 minnows in it right now I have no gold fish yet
When the get bigger i am going to move them to a mini pond

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Oh and sorry about the grammar and spelling i was using the voice thing or what ever you call it were you talk and you phone types it for you.

Sent from my iPhone using Aquarium Advice
Oh and sorry about the grammar and spelling i was using the voice thing or what ever you call it were you talk and you phone types it for you.

Sent from my iPhone using Aquarium Advice

I use that feature often in lieu of texting. It should accept commands such as "period", "comma", and "question mark". Otherwise it composes long run over sentences.

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Yeah that's what happend.

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Happened (typo)

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Hi Vac,

I merely meant to be helpful on the grammar thing, not "critical". We've all become slaves to smart phones, tablets and pads, etc. OY! Our poor communications, LOL.

OK, on the minnows thing, cool, sounds like current filtration is sufficient. I wasn't clear, my apology. What I was suggesting is that you get the necessary filtration for the goldfish in place and operational BEFORE the goldies get added to the community.

I've got two medium-sized Veil Tail Goldfish. Beautiful! Bought them when they were but an inch long each. They've grown to five inches in just 18 months. Their bio loads now are triple that of when they were an inch long. You don't want that bio load to sneak up on your minnows (or goldies). So that's my suggestion - get that filtration going and the chems stable before adding the new goldies.

Sounds like some exciting community growth is headed your way! Awesome. Please do keep us updated.

Cheers -

from iPad using Aquarium Advice
29 gal, fresh water, fluval 206 with ammo-carb + mech, replacing gravel with sand and live plants
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