Goldfish Spawning behaviour

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Aquarium Advice FINatic
Feb 12, 2014
Hi is it normal for fancy goldfish to engage in spawning behaviour all the time. My two male black moors engage in this behaviour at least once a week. They have 3 females to chose from. But my calico fantail gets the brute of there affections.


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Yes, unfortunately for your calico. Males can be relentless and it sounds like she's the only female of breeding interest in the tank. If you find she is getting the brunt of their affection, you may need to separate them so she can have a break (males can be quite aggressive and cause undue stress or injury to a female). Good luck!

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She never seems unduely stressed she carries on digging about and doing her stuff just with two males sniffing her butt whilst she's doing it. So it is normal then. I'll keep an eye on her. I thought they only spawned in the spring. One of my other females isn't mature yet so hopefully she will attract their interest as she gets older. ;)

Sent from my Kestrel using Aquarium Advice mobile app
She never seems unduely stressed she carries on digging about and doing her stuff just with two males sniffing her butt whilst she's doing it. So it is normal then. I'll keep an eye on her. I thought they only spawned in the spring. One of my other females isn't mature yet so hopefully she will attract their interest as she gets older. ;)

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Spring spawning applies to fish outside (increase in temps, spring rains, ample food, increased sunlight, etc). Inside, where the temperature and food supply are fairly consistent and the fish are not exposed to natural sunlight, spawning can happen anytime! Big water changes, dietary changes and temperature differences typically can incite breeding interests. :)
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