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Aquarium Advice Freak
Dec 6, 2014
I have a gold fish in my 20g tank
My moms friend gifted me brand new
2 male guppies and 2 Molly's ( one being male and the other being female )
I left them alone for 2 hours and went I came back to check my goldfish had been attack, he has scratches on his head.
My question is, which of the new fish could of attack him?
You should get the Guppies and Mollies out. GF are Coldwater , the other fish are tropical. Plus a 20g is bare minimum for one GF so you don't want to add more ammonia.

And I would suspect Mollies, they can be bullies.

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You should get the Guppies and Mollies out. GF are Coldwater , the other fish are tropical. Plus a 20g is bare minimum for one GF so you don't want to add more ammonia.

And I would suspect Mollies, they can be bullies.

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Thanks for the info :)
I have goldfish along with gobi's, black ghosts, Gouramis, swordtails, mollies. The first week is critical when putting a goldfish in a community tank. If it survives this then chances are it won't have a problem for future. GF are very hardy & survive well in my tank even when the temp reaches 30 deg C. Mollies are the most probable cause of the scratches but makes sense to wait & watch

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My tank is 25 gallons & hence the trick is having good bio filtration. I have 2 GF in a tank where there are 12 big fishes, 4 ottos & a bristlenose pleco

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I have goldfish along with gobi's, black ghosts, Gouramis, swordtails, mollies. The first week is critical when putting a goldfish in a community tank. If it survives this then chances are it won't have a problem for future. GF are very hardy & survive well in my tank even when the temp reaches 30 deg C. Mollies are the most probable cause of the scratches but makes sense to wait & watch

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I am thinking there's something in the water he has black stains on this skin ... I think the amonia in the water is hight ... That's what I read
Black coloration on the fins is ammonia poisoning. What's your filtration setup?

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Black coloration on the fins is ammonia poisoning. What's your filtration setup?

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What you mean filtration set up?? And how do I decrease it? By changing the water?
Yes, partial water change to the tune of 30% immediately will help. I assume you use a filter?. Important to have biofiltration so that the bacteria can work on the ammonia.
I would do a big water change. At least 50%.

Test your water. You'll want to buy a liquid Master Test kit, as you'll be using it a lot at first.

Goldfish are very messy.
What kind of GF ?
Comet or Fancy ??

Commons and Comets need ponds.
Fancies need big tanks.

If you want more than one Fancy you'll need to look for a larger tank and massive filtration. At least 4x tank size. So a 50g tank should have 200g of filtration.

If you want to stay with a 20g, rehome the GF and do research and decide what kind of tank you want.

Planted with small community fish would be my choice.

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My tank is 25 gallons & hence the trick is having good bio filtration. I have 2 GF in a tank where there are 12 big fishes, 4 ottos & a bristlenose pleco

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There is no "trick". A 25g isn't big enough for 2 GF long term...esp not with more fish adding to the bioload.
It's physically not big enough.

Please look at the link I posted earlier.
GF grow very large very fast. If not, they aren't thriving.

Commons can live over 30yrs and hit over a foot.

Fancies can live over 15yrs and hit 6-8" not including tail.

People who raise show quality Fancies use big tubs and drain almost all the water during changes, to keep water pristine and giving them room to grow.

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Actually I would disagree. I have two fancies @ around 4" in addition to the other fishes in a 25G. I use Seachem Ammonia alert to continuously monitor ammonia & test nitrites/nitrates with kits. I do 40% water changes every week & have a filter system which does wet/dry filtration. This setup is active for a year now with no fish loss as yet.

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What Coursair is saying is it simply is not optimal to keep more than one fancy in a 25g let alone with anything else. The GF will not thrive or live up to its full potential. One year without a death in the life of a goldfish isn't saying a whole lot. Doesn't mean they are happy and healthy necessarily. Bigger is always better especially in GF land.
Actually I would disagree. I have two fancies @ around 4" in addition to the other fishes in a 25G. I use Seachem Ammonia alert to continuously monitor ammonia & test nitrites/nitrates with kits. I do 40% water changes every week & have a filter system which does wet/dry filtration. This setup is active for a year now with no fish loss as yet.

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While this may work for you I would have to say that that would not work for most people. While you can do it it is not as healthy for the fish. Thats great that it works for you but I would not go around lobbying for other people to overstock 25 gal. with fancies and other fish. :)
Not lobbying....I've seen quite a few setups like these before I started. Maybe best to agree to disagree. Fishes are healthy from their color, eating habits & growth.ImageUploadedByAquarium Advice1418274382.947308.jpg

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Rohit, I'm glad you haven't lost fish. But your GF are stunted.
Did you look at the thread I mentioned at the beginning of this thread ??

GF grow fast. If they can't grow, they stunt and die. My customers had Fancies that were over 15yrs. 1 was 17yo and one was 16yo. They lived in a 75g. Just the two huge Fancies and plants with 2 canister filters.

The attached pic is a petstore Fancy next to an adult.

You do what you want, but we will try to offer the best advice of what we know works and is best for the fish. You keep your GF alive, I'd rather see them growing and thriving.

Enjoy your tank, keep learning.

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Thanks Coursair, nice videos. There are many views out there. Just to know further
1) If water parameters are ok....0 ammonia & nitrites, nitrates <40 just before water change..... & space to swim around....all Fancy GF will grow to 12" average?. As far as I understood, thru selective breeding there are GF available which don't cross 5/6"
2) I have two tanks....the other is a 125G discus tank which has 20 discus instead of the rated 12 & also 6 angels and some small fishes. I am seeing excellent growth in that tank & as you know discus are very sensitive.

For the 25G tank, in the last one year most of the fishes have doubled in that I am planning to get a bigger tank. The GF were 2" around when I bought them but are now 6". I have a Black Ghost which was 3" when I bought it but is now 8". Same goes with more or less every guy in the tank. I also attach pics of this dwarf Gourami
ImageUploadedByAquarium Advice1418288199.015335.jpgImageUploadedByAquarium Advice1418287965.552539.jpgImageUploadedByAquarium Advice1418288009.940546.jpg

I have tried to take pics of the 2 GFs but they are way too active to ever get a good shot.

Also here is a pic of the discus tankImageUploadedByAquarium Advice1418288094.949206.jpg

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