Good deal?

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Aquarium Advice Activist
Mar 23, 2004
Kingston, ON Canada
90 gallon custom built aquarium and stand
no leaks or scratches
marineland filter...not sure which model
lights...only 60 watts fluorescent

what are your initial impressions of this deal?...the guy is moving and can't take it with him.

Not sure if there are any other accessories...heater etc.
I paid 85 cdn for a 55 /w hood, stand, 2 ac300 HOBs, heater, air pump, and other goodies :)
I paid $100 Cdn for a 70 with stand plus canister filter (Magnum by Marineland), etc.

90 gal with glass top & light I've seen for $275 at Pet-S-mart NEW. (call that $300 with tax)

The whole deal I think depends on the stand - if it is a jerry-rigged home built, I wouldn't bother. But a furniture grade stand can be $300 or more. Also the filter - can be a $300 canister or a $75 emporor, so hard to say.
I got a 75 gallon tank, glass top, wet dry filter, protien skimmer, Oak wood stand, all the cc and sand. 3 heaters, testing kit, medicine for fish, power supply, 2 hood lights with four bulbs in it, and 2 brandnew blue still in the pack. 2 air pumps. Not a scratch on any of it. All for $200 USD!

The lfs said that the lights cost more than I paid for all of it.

Believe it or not!

I was teaching in a christian school 3 years ago when this boy got all this stuff for christmas. He graduated 2 years later. We stayed in touch I was only 25yrs old.
1 1/2 months ago, my wife and I decided to start looking for a tank. We shopped around, and almost bought one for like $500. I said no let's wait and look around more. One day I remembered Kelley (the boy) had a tank that was'nt set up anymore. He's in college now. I called him up and asked how much he wanted. He said $200. I about choked!!! Needless to say, I picked it up that night.

:D :D He knew how much it was worth, and how much his parents paid for it. His parents also knew he was selling it for 200.

What can I say....I'm Blessed!! :wink:
See my girlfriend called about it for me...this is what he told her:

First he asked my saltwater or fresh...i plan a fresh..anyway...he said it had 2 for fresh and one that would be for not sure what this meant...protein skimmer maybe? The brand was marineland so im not sure if it was a HOB or a cannister.

Tank was custom built...90 gallon...not sure if that is a good thing or not. I would also assume the stand is custom built but am not sure.

THe lights are fluorescent but are only about 60 watts i think...

I think the add also said something about rock coral? not sure what that would be.

THanks for your comments guys...i welcome anymore ideas if you have em
watch the word custom!!!! could be a custom piece of sh*t!!! best thing to do is go and look th eprice sees good though!!
Sounds like a SW setup. For custom tank, you really have to look at it. It might be some strange dimension you don't want. OTOH, if the tank is drilled, reef ready, etc. that would be a good thing. I don't know what he means by filter for SW - maybe that is a wet/dry/sump setup? (Commercial ones cost few hundred bucks ... PS - you can use that for FW too).

So I guess it boils down to the details. I personally won't pay that much just for a plain tank, but if it is a complete reef setup (assuming that it is properly done) then it would be a steal.
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