Good deed for the... week ;-)

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Aquarium Advice Addict
Oct 14, 2005
Hamilton, Ontario, Canada
A lady at work had a betta in one of those quart sized hex bowls... it died... so she got 2 guppies (one for each of her children)

She was telling my boss about it, who sits right across the isle from me, and I overheard the story of these 2 guppies. One only lasted one day.

Believe it or not... it didn't die because of the SUPER small container, but because her youngest child was playing with it when she came down to make them breakfast. He was petting it in the palm of his hand. It died that afternoon.

Anywho, My good deed was sending her a link to big als via e-mail. I TOLD her to get the 5 gallon tank with filter and light for 50 bucks. I told her that she would be killing the other fish if she didn't. I told her she could also get some neon tetra's in there too, and that you only have to cycle a liter or 2 of water every week. Much less work then replacing all the water for that poor guppy every other day.

She Got the tank, filter, and told her to ask big al's if she could have a swab of their old filter material, and they gave it to her. She has it up on a shelf now, just high enough that the kids cant get their hands into it.

I saved many a fish from horrible captivity! :-D
AHHHHH thats what kudos is! I was wondering how you get it!

See, i LOVE guppies. They're cute and very playful. They'll rub up against your fingers when you stick them in the tank... they should live!

rampant snails and saltwater hair algae on the other hand...

Thanks for the kudos :p
i showed her the website. SHes on the computer every second at work. She doesn't even have e-mail at home.

But i think she may get into it!
when i see people at the fish store with their kids..who are always pointing at things like Angelfish and Bala sharks, and they wind up having a 5 gallon, I ALWAYS give them the link to this site... and then i will point out a few fish that might work and try to explain about cycling... in a very simple manner... Usually they are very excited to listen and ask me a ton of questions... LOL. But i don't mind, i enjoy educating people.

Kudos to you for helping the lady at your work!!! no you must warn her about MTS.. LOL

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