Green Spotted Puffer PICKY EATER??

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Apr 20, 2013
San Antonio, Texas
Has anyone ever experienced a picky eater GSP? Unfortunately the only thing he seems to want is freeze dried baby shrimp and the occasional live ghost shrimp. He basically GUTS everything and leaves the mess for the filter and I to pick up! I bought some of the frozen block food for "omnivores" but he pecked at it and left it alone. He doesn't really care for bloodworms or flakes which I put in for the ghost shrimp (they enjoy). Any suggestions on what else I could try?

for GSPs, you need some snails, for example pond snails, MTS, ramshorb snail, to keep their teeth growth under control. they will not take flakes pellets or any manufactured food. bloodworms, daphina, brine shrimps should be part of the diet as well.
Raw seafood at the grocery store is good. I'd feed raw shrimp as the main staple if you are not able to breed your own snails.
Raw seafood at the grocery store is good. I'd feed raw shrimp as the main staple if you are not able to breed your own snails.

I saw a guy feeding his GSP raw shrimp in a YouTube video. I thought maybe it wouldn't be safe to get the frozen ones. Maybe I will go to the seafood department for fresh ones and get a few to make sure he will eat it. The ONLY thing he has liked so far and looks forward to eating is freeze dried baby shrimp. Everything else he left in the tank for me to clean. lol

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