Green Water - Algae Bloom

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Feb 12, 2006
New York
I have been having huge problems with GW pretty much since a few months after I set up my 10 gallon tank, which is over a year now.

I have one Goldfish in the tank (see photo) and I do not over-feed. The plant is plastic. There are no live plants in the tank.

Again, it appears I have yet another algae bloom.

I've read alot on these forums and I (hopefully) think I've learned a lot. With that said, I am now starting a total blackout period. I have the tank glass covered with garbage bags and will leave it like that for five days and see what it looks like then.

Even when I am able to rid the tank of the algae through prior blackout periods, it always comes back.

I have a fluorescent hood light and leave it on only about 7 hours per day.

I am wondering however, if my problem could be related to sunlight. There is no direct sunlight entering into the tank but there is indirect sunlight coming from 3 windows (see attached diagram- YES, I know it's horrible looking ;) )

I always thought that the distances from the windows to the tank were too great to cause me any problems but I'm out of ideas can't think of anything else.

Do you think it's possible that the indirect sunlight from the distances indicated in my diagram could be causing me my problems?

Thanks for your help!


I have a weird feeling that it is from those two windows on the side. As the day moves on it could be lighting up the room bright enogh for pea soup to form. And since you say that when you do a blackout and it goes away. What I would do is another blackout to get ride of the pea soup and right before you take the bag off the aquarium I would try and cover your windows up with a dark towel or something to block out the light during the day, to see if it is from the indirect sunlight from the windows.
I always find it is related to feeding. By that I mean, overfeeding. What is your feeding regimen... Also, without any plants, cut your light time by a lot. The goldfish will be fine without all that light.
Block the light coming into the tank from the sides with some construction paper or mylar. This will limit the light coming in through those areas. Your tank is so full of algae I can't see if you have a background in the tank? If not, get one to prevent light coming in through the back of the tank.

With those 3 areas taken care of I would see where you stand. Like zao, I have a hunch it was from the side windows and so covering the sides of the tank should prevent further GW. If its from the front window, however, you have a couple options. The easiest is to make a curtain for the front of the tank for when you are not viewing it. This will pretty much block all light to the tank from outside sources since you already took care of the back and sides.

Another option is to get a curtain for the window itself (though often not cheap).

A final option which I've never personally tried but would probably work well is a UV blocking film that you could apply to the surface of the tank. We have a couple for my daugther when driving in the car and it simply sticks to the glass and blocks most of the UV and cuts down on the sunlight getting through as well. It would probably tint the tank a bit, but it might be just what you need.

Either way I suggest a LARGE PWC, like 80%, and then do a blackout. When its done, do another large PWC, and keep an eye on your water conditions. That's a LOT of GW and when it dies from lack of light it can spike your ammonia levels.

Oh and I suggest a 50% PWC weekly. That goldfish is pretty much maxing out your biofilter most likely as they are serious waste producers. What is your filtration (type of filter and size)? With a 10 gallon tank a 50% PWC takes minutes (I do it with my 10 gallon QT/growout tank). This will also help to prevent algae by keep the DOC's down.

I'd also vote for blackout. Then add some fast growing plants to help absorb excess nutrients...
I believe you may have a filtering problem, more than a light problem. What filter is on the tank, and what is you normal PWC schedule?
Thanks for all of the excellent advice guys.

My PWC schedule has been lacking quite a bit. I was doing 50% per month but after reading here, it appears that is entirely insufficient and I will start doing 20% per week once I get this corrected.

The filter on the tank now is a Whisper 40. I did have an Aquaclear 50 but changed it some time ago thinking that the Whisper may be a better option.

I am on day 3 of my black out, would it be okay to take a peek at the tank?
I really don't know much about blackouts, but

I would recommend 20% pwc twice a week, and a good gravel vac with each one. Also if you can put filter floss into that filter it will help. You will have to changed it out each week untill the algea is gone.
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