Green water! Help!!

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Aug 10, 2013
20 gal tank, planted. 3 barbs and one gourami. Algae controlled until something went wrong. Wisterias started to rot, barbs ate all the bad leaves. Two months now trying to treat green water with API algae control. 28 drops every three days for a week now. also I use buffer for my water has no minerals. I change water every two weeks. Two days after it turns green. Checked water - all levels are norm.
What to do?

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Stop using the chemicals as they don't work. You have two choices for combating green water algae blooms. The first and most efficient way to kill off the free floating algae is to use a UV sterilizer like this... Green Killing Machine Internal UV Sterilizer with Power Head at PETCO. Many people on the forum have used this one with great success. Your water will be cleared up in a couple days.

Your second option is to do a 3 day black out. You have to cover your tank, sides, top, and even bottom if it gets any light. No peeking or you'll break the black out cycle. Then on day 4 uncover and do a 50% WC. This may or may not work.

Then once your done with either method do a 50% WC and only run lighting 6 hours for several weeks as too much light left on too many hours daily can be a major contributor to green water. Also be sure to do 50% WC's weekly to keep nutrient levels down in your tank.
3rd option is a diatom filter. It's roughly $150-175. It's a great investment. But, it's not addressing the issue. Although it will get the tank crystal clear so you can address the problem.
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