GREEN water?

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Sep 18, 2012
Philadelphia, PA
Why is my tank water green? At first, I thought it was algae, but it can't be because I've had 3 otocincluses for a week (without any casualties (y) ) and a clown pleco for quite some time now without any better water quality.

I was adding some water because it evaporated and I saw a LOT of poop stir up. So I just siphoned my tank-about 10 gallons- from my 55. After a thorough clean, the water was still tinted green.

Any ideas why this is?
Are you sure it's not the start of green water... I mean actually algae green water? It wouldn't matter how many algae eaters you have as the algae is in the water itself. Could you post a picture as that would help alot.
Yeah...I was just in the chat room and talked about it and they said it was an early stage of green water. So I'm just going to keep the lights of for a few days, maybe that'll help.
You have to do more than that if your trying the black out method. You need to totally, I mean totally cover the tank so not an ounce of light gets in. It has to be for 72 hours and absolutely no peeking since it will let light in.
Really?.... That's a lot of work. Are there any shortcuts to doing this or can I buy a fish to eat the algae or what?
It's either that or buy a diatom filter or UV sterilizer which both will remove/kill the algae out of the water. No fish can eat it and if you don't do something it will only get worse.
Here is one other way I've heard others talk about:

Take few branches of willow tree. Put these branches into your tank and wait. In 3-5 days the willow will develop roots and water will start to clear at that time. 2-3 more days and you get a crystal clear water! At that time you should remove the willow or your plants will starve.
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I am curious how often your water changes/grav vacs are? If you are adding water because a bunch evaporated and lots of debris was stirred up, then it sounds like its not very often. Excess nutrients in the water will further contribute to algae issues. Algae needs nutrition and light in order to grow.
I had green water, a few months ago. I introduced duckweed and the water returned to normal within a week. Turns out the duckweed outcompetes the green algae that made my water really dark green. I could only see 10cm visibility. The duckweed is great especially along with weekly 50% water changes...
I'm plagued by green water as well. I have a UV filter, duckweed, frogbit and other plants. I do 50% WC each week and last time I checked my nitrates were under 5. I'm stumped..
I'm plagued by green water as well. I have a UV filter, duckweed, frogbit and other plants. I do 50% WC each week and last time I checked my nitrates were under 5. I'm stumped..

What kind of UV do you have? A properly size UV sterilizer for a tank that is running within the GPH flow rate recommended by the manufacturer should clear up green water quickly, sometimes overnight.
It's a 9w that is built into my Aquatop CF-500UV. 9w isn't enough for a 125g but I would imagine that it has to help some.
It's a 9w that is built into my Aquatop CF-500UV. 9w isn't enough for a 125g but I would imagine that it has to help some.

Actually I think in that brand it is the right size for that size tank. Actually I would email/contact the manufacturer and talk to them. Something sounds off as it should have cleared the green water. Bad bulb maybe?
The bulb was burnt and I replaced it a few days ago. I don't think aquatop sells a replacement bulb so I used these.. CNZ 9 Watts G23 Base UV-C Germicidal Ultraviolet Light Bulb QTY 2: Everything Else

As long as they are the same wattage it shouldn't matter. If the water still doesn't clear I really would contact the company. Is the filter flow rate too fast? UV works better at slower flow rates. Each brand gives a max flow rate that the UV is suppose to work at. Slower rates under that are even better. That is the only other thing I can think of as to why the unit isn't clearing the water. Oh did you clean the outer sleve of the bulb window so you get max light penetration?
As long as they are the same wattage it shouldn't matter. If the water still doesn't clear I really would contact the company. Is the filter flow rate too fast? UV works better at slower flow rates. Each brand gives a max flow rate that the UV is suppose to work at. Slower rates under that are even better. That is the only other thing I can think of as to why the unit isn't clearing the water. Oh did you clean the outer sleve of the bulb window so you get max light penetration?

Yea, it actually flows slower than "normal" due to all the biomax I have in the baskets, I also have the sponges / pads doubled up in each basket as well. I did remove the sleeve and thoroughly cleaned it. I might try another brand bulb? One of the reviews said it did nothing for his algae, he switched brands and it was fine.

I dunno.. I'm still new to UV products, just familiar with the concept.
Wow that's interesting.... yeah I think I'd do some research and find a good brand of bulb. It sounds like the only thing that could be wrong.
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