growth rate of severums

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Aquarium Advice Freak
Jan 7, 2012
I hav 2 severum and 2 firemouth in a 75g. My fm's r growing faster than severums. Both love live earthworms and tetrabits. I use lettuce to feed my seves bt they didn't take internet I read that severum love to eat lettuce,peas,spinach. I'm worrying bout the growth of my seves. Can u guys tell me the growth rate of severum? Are they grow slowly than fm,jd & oscar?
Usually they grow about as fast as a jack dempsey which is pretty slow.
Thanx josh7,I never had a jd. So I cnt compare but I bought my oscars(now in another tank) and severum at the same time and both were juvis then. Bt these days my oscar guys growing very fast almost double the seves and my firemouth( with severum in same tank) also growing faster than them.
Yah thats how it works with JDs to the severums grow like them.
Severums are a pretty slow grower. How large are they now? How big are the firemouths? Not a very good compatability match once everything starts growing up. Severums do best with geophagus, electric blue jack dempsey, uaru, and other relatively calm natured cichlids
@SeverumGuy, thanx. they r bout 3" now. Bt my FM's r smaller than them and till now no probs occures between my seves and FM's.
I had two severums and a fire mouth together and they never bothered each other. Also had two blue gouramies in there. Everyone was fine for years.
Yup even I googled the fact and seen there's no issue with keeping both together. Just rate of growth I watch is seves r slow grower.
I have severum in all of my tanks, they all have different personalities and aggression, Also I find that their growth rates are not the same in different tanks, the more aggressive ones are in my tank with the more aggressive fish, they never get picked on and they dont really mess with anyone else, they are growing faster than my shy ones in my other tanks, you never know with cichlids they all are different.
Yup now that's a point. Shy guy grow slow than a brave one or the boss of tank. Is this growth rates depends on some other factor too? Like substrate, water quality. Not mentioning foods obviously its a major factor in growth rate.
It all factors in, the best thing you can do is feed a variety of foods and a high quality pellet and keep the cleanest water possible, also try to create a relaxed environment for them, stress slows the growth down, thats why I match my fish to the level of aggression in each tank.
That's grt. Do seves like hikari gold pellets? Mine r love tetra bits and bloodworms.
Ha ha. Wil try it. I do wc weekly. Water quality is just fine. Never use any anti stress agent.
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