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Green Spot Algae

Good morning fish...

Any type algae I've had in my tanks I controled with plants. I just added a couple of new plants during a water change and the problem was solved. Some algae is tougher to control, but you can just keep adding more plants until the surplus nutrients are used and the algae will die back.

If you want to take more drastic measures, then dose SeaChem's Flourish Excel according to instructions. The "Gluteradehyde" in this liquid fert is toxic to algae. Be careful though, it's also not good for ferns, mosses and Corkscrew Vallisneria.

What causes it? And I have 36 g bowfront planted tank. And I've heard of excel, I have anacharis and Java moss
excess nutrients or too long of photo period(time lights are on). correct the root source of the problem rather than dose random stuff in hopes it will help.
I think its the lights being on too long... I was away on vacation and left my aunt and charge and I guess she left em on too long:/
I think its the lights being on too long... I was away on vacation and left my aunt and charge and I guess she left em on too long:/
she also might of overfed,that can cause algae too
I made sure she didn't over feed. Only time she fed em was yesterday outta the week I was gone

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