Guppy fry dilemma

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Aquarium Advice Regular
Oct 10, 2003
Kentucky, USA
I went to the pet store today to get a snail for one of my betta tanks, and when the girl scooped water to put in the bag I somehow ended up with what I'm pretty sure are two guppy fry. Right now I have them in one of those betta hexes (I only keep it just in case I might temporarily need it). I had some tropical fish food trial things and I took some and crushed it into powder and put some in there. I saw one of them grab a small piece and I have noticed that where there were quite a few pieces on the bottom there are just a few now, so they seem to be eating.

The dilemma is that I have never had guppies before, let alone fry. I have a 10 gallon that they could possibly go in but its occupied now by one small red cap oranda. I am still undecided on whether or not I should try to raise them or if I should just go ahead and feed them to my bettas. Perhaps I can get some opinions?
If you decide to keep them, they will need a tank with a heater as they are tropical fish. Guppies are the most easy fish to keep, they breed like crazy and when they grow to adults produce some amazing colors! I have a 10gal devoted just to them!
I agree with puffergirl - they are known to breed like crazy. Personally, I don't mind new fry every once in awhile, but I don't stop my adults from chowing down if they want. I'd be over stocked if I tried to save them all!

I do hear that bettas love fry, and giving them something live to chase is good for them.

Hmm. Sorry I couldn't help you decide. I'm surprised that the lfs ppl would overlook a couple of fry.
Well, the girl at the cash register saw them and asked if I got them intentionally or not. I told her no, so she just let me keep them and said she wasn't going to charge me for them. I wasn't going to turn down free fish / food, but either way I would have probably just paid the extra 50 cents or so.

To be honest, keeping them would be my first choice, and I do have a 5.5 gal tank that is not set up. They could go into it I suppose, once I get a place to put it. I also have a new heater thats never been used. I just ask for opinions because if it is thought that it is futile to try and raise them I might as well let the bettas have a snack.

If I am to keep them, I just wonder how often I should be feeding them. Twice a day? Thanks.
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