Guppy fry food

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Aquarium Advice Regular
Sep 6, 2011
Philadelphia, PA
Last night I walked out to the living room and saw my guppies eating something. I then noticed a tiiiiny little fry swimming to the plant. I was able to save 5 of them. My problem now is I haven't been able to find an lfs with baby brine shrimp. Are the fry able to eat finely powdered adult brine shrimp or even crushed flake food?

Here's a pic of the ittle guys in a home made breeder tank inside my 29g. I tried feeding some crushed flakes last night since it was already 11pm and I couldn't go out for shrimp.


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Your Guppy Fry

Good morning Star and congrats...

I have Fancy Guppy tanks and have fry all the time. The key to a high fry survival rate is to start feeding all the fish a little more often. I keep all my Fancy Guppies together and when I see fry in the tank, I start feeding all the fish every few hours.

I've found that well fed adult fish will seldom bother the fry. For food, I keep several different kinds of flakes and freeze dried foods. Just put a few kinds in a small sandwich bag and use a rolling pin to crush the food into a powder.

You can feed that to all the fish. I also include some frozen brine shimp. Just cut the cubes into small pieces and drop them into the tank. The fish will also eat algae wafers. Just a combination of several foods is all they need.

I just feed my fry finely crushed flake food. They seem to do fine with it and my guppy fry always seem to grow faster than my platy fry.
Guppy fry are pretty large when they are born, at least compared to similarly sized egglayer's fry. As mentioned, they can eat crushed flake just fine, that's what I usually feed mine as well.
Update!! The first group of fry are big enough to be with their parents now. The second female guppy just dropped her fry. I only found 5.

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