Hagen CO2 production time

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Aquarium Advice FINatic
May 23, 2006
Olathe, KS
Well I set up my Hagen CO2 system a few hours ago and I have seen very little if no production. I know the directions say I should see my first bubbles within 2-10 hours, but right now all it has done is push the air about an inch below the waterline. Honestly I think that most of that is from me putting the tubing on the canister.

How do you tell if you have a dud? How long should it "really" take to see some production?

I used 80 degree water, which is between the 68-86 range they say to use.
Should I use bottled water instead of tap to fill the thing from now on? The pH out of my tap is very high, and I'm not sure if that would affect the yeast (though I'm thinking no).
I have one of those. It didn't do anything when I started it up ... but the next morning I had 1-2 bubbles climbing the ladder every couple-ten seconds.
If you don't see bubbles within 24hr, it's probably a dud. There are a few possible reasons for this. Check the expiration dates on the packets, if it's been sitting on the shelf for a while they could have expired. Using water that's too hot will kill the yeast. If you use the entire stabilizer packet and already have hard water, this will also kill the reaction.
i had this problem also. it will work but takes a while. next time pre mix the yeast in a cup of warm waterbefore adding it to the bottle. i found it takesa little longer to get going but will last 4 or more weeks per mix.
Well it's getting closer now. I'll probably hit the 10 hour mark before it gets a bubble to the bottom. It's only about 1 inch from the bottom of the ladder now.

I may not use quite as much of the stabilizer next time since my water is at about 8 or 9 dGH. Fairly hard.
In my Hagen canister, I use RO water, 1/2 cup sugar, 1 3/4 cup water (as the directions state) and I don't buy the yeast or stabilizer packets. I use 1/8 teaspoon of Red Star active dry yeast and 1/2 teaspoon of baking soda. I heat one cup of water to about 85 degrees and put it in the canister along with the sugar and baking soda. I'll heat the 3/4 cup of water and put the yeast in here (in the measuring cup) and stir/agitate for 10-15 minutes with a fork. The yeast will get a little bubbly, so I know it's working. I'll put this water and yeast mixture in the canister. I still may not see fine bubbles through my airstone until the next day - about 12 hours - but this mixture lasts about 4 or even 5 weeks.
I may take your advice on the mixture there An t-iasg. I actually do some bread baking, so I've got a few extra packets of active dry yeast, which comes in 2.25 tsp packets (ive got an opened one stored in an airtight container in the back of my fridge right now). That would last quite a while going at 1/8 tsp at a time. Definitely a LOT cheaper than the packets that they sell.

Thanks for the advice.

PS. My first bubbles are pushing through the bottom. There are some larger bubble stuck on the ladder so they aren't making it all the way up, but honestly that's good right? More contact time with the water = more absorption.
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