Hair Algae Problem

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Aquarium Advice Regular
Aug 15, 2006
Hi I just setup a 55g but it only contains a bunch of crypts, a single clump of riccia and some Rotala rotundifolia. I have ~4wpg and they stay on for 12hrs. I have pressurized CO2. I am having hair algae problem especially around the riccia.


How can I get rid of it?
Regarding ferts how much should I dose? I am using PMDD.

Sounds like you've got a lightly planted tank with mostly slow growing plants and lots of light. I'd recommend cutting back on your light to 8-10hrs and getting more plants in the tank. I really can't help with the PMDD since I don't use that method.
I would ditch the PMDD and just go straight EI. If you won't do that you need to figure out which nutrient is bottoming and causing the algae to take hold. IMHO, most likely you've bottomed out PO4 by using the dupla drops and not changing water frequently enough.

The principle behind EI is to never let any nutrient bottom out and you'll see great success from folks who follow it religously. Any technique other than EI or a testing based dosing regimen of ALL the necessary nutrients is a recipe for disaster at 4wpg.

Once you have eliminated your nutrient deficiency the hair algae will die off on its own.
Ok thanks ppl. Today I will do a large water change and start dosing EI. Any links which explain it well? I added egeria densa and hygrophila polysperma. According to what I read these plants are fast growing.
Here's a link to EI Light, which gives the basics on what to do without an indepth discussion of why it works. If you want the more in depth discussion we can dig that up for you as well.
Thanks purrbox I think I got both since I visited Barr's forum :)
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