hairgrass and glut?

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Yes but you have to dose the liquid carbon at the proper dose for the amount of light and ferts you use. What type lighting do you have and what ferts?

You want to start at 1ml of Glut (liquid carbon) for every 5g of water. In a couple weeks go up to 1ml Glut to every 2 gallons of tank water.
Over what size tank? That is going to be high light so are you using dry ferts as well? You may have to go up to 1ml of Glut per 1g of water. Plus you'll most likely only be able to run those lights 6 hours to keep algae at bay. That's what I had to do with the 220g.
Still not sure how long to run them at the moment either. I have been running them for 10hours a day and I have been dosing 4ml everyday so far. If that helps.
Your dosing about 1ml per 10g. Go up to 1ml per 5g for 2 weeks. Then do 1ml per 2g and see how the tanks doing. You may eventually need to dose 1ml Glut to every gallon.

I'd cut those light hours down before you start getting algae issues. Try doing 8 hours but watch and if you see an algae starting back lights down to 6 hours.
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