hairgrass and wisteria

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Aquarium Advice Freak
Jan 17, 2007
My local shop had a 50% off sale---picked up some micro sword, wisteria, and a giant hairgrass(hide heater)
Any special concerns on these?
I hope to add java moss when it is in. Last time with my low light set up it did not attach to driftwood-(tied down with thread.

All nice plants.
depending on what plant the "micro sword" really is (is usually one of 3), it may like more light.
In general, I would say that if you have enough light to make the microsword and hairgrass grow well, then the wysteria will go crazy. coughitsaweedcough
I am curently growing micro sword (not exactly sure which one) in 1wpg in the short term. It's in a holding tank I use for plant clippings till I can take them to the LFS to trade. It has started to spread already. Never tried giant hair grass in less than 3wpg, so not sure there. As for wysteria like Zezmo said it normally is a weed under good lighting. I have some in a 10gal with 2 20W CF and it grows maybe 2-3 inches every couple of weeks though.
That made my day!!

I like the look of the weed!--but if it gets out of hand--it gets yanked!!
Going to get another giant hairgrass to hide the filter tube-(fresh water)

Wisteria is bad, really bad depending on how its treated. It will soak up nutrients like no tomorrow, and grow incredibly fast. I had it in my tank for several months but just had to get rid of it. It was requiring removing about 50% every WEEK. And since it has a flat structure it was very difficult to keep in the substrate (I had to use a ziptie to connect several bundles and then bury the bundle).
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