Hairgrass is givving me fits help!

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Aquarium Advice Addict
Aug 4, 2013
Pipestone, Minnesota
I got some hairgrass about a month ago and it seems to be doing great. Well the pieces that I have managed to get to stay down! The few pieces that have managed to get stay down are rooting in to the dirt and are doing really well. But I have a few pieces that every morning I get up and they are floating at the top. I think part of the issue is my assasins keep burrowing underneath them. I only know that because I one do it. So any ideas?
Toothpicks! I am currently trying to get some tiny Staurogyne repens to root and the MTS keep uprooting them. So I tried toothpicks and they seem to be working. Rather than poke them straight down, I try to set them at an angle. If they are not set deep enough the MTS will uproot even the toothpicks.
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