hairy shroom home

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Aquarium Advice Activist
Jul 7, 2003
Park Rapids, Minn USA
HI all,bought a nice batch of green hairy mushrooms and would like to place them in an optimum place in my tank. What do you all suggest for light, current, temp etc.

120 watts flour. lights

If this is accurate then you could position the mushrooms where ever you wanted in the tank. You wont need to worry about them in direct light. I have mine on the face of a rock to where the light basicly glances off the top.
No, I think I need to update my bio. I have 240 PC. 3\4 of it is actinic. If 120 would have been enough, then I should be fine wattage wise. Is it true that you should place them on and angle so that they will spread faster? Does that theory refer to all mushrooms, some mushrooms, or is it bushwah?

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