Hammer coral

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Jul 17, 2012
The strangest thing happened to our hammer coral. We've had it for months and it was doing very well. This morning I topped off the tank with RO and everything was fine. When I turned the lights on a little while ago, I noticed the entire top of the coral was missing and I found it on the sand in the back of our tank. It's still somewhat opened.

We have 2 clowns, a wrasse, a fire shrimp and some snails. They've never bothered the corals before so I'm not sure what happened. Any thoughts?
The strangest thing happened to our hammer coral. We've had it for months and it was doing very well. This morning I topped off the tank with RO and everything was fine. When I turned the lights on a little while ago, I noticed the entire top of the coral was missing and I found it on the sand in the back of our tank. It's still somewhat opened.

We have 2 clowns, a wrasse, a fire shrimp and some snails. They've never bothered the corals before so I'm not sure what happened. Any thoughts?

Could it just have fallen off? Was it on a plug or stem? Sometimes the stems can become weak or the they can come loose from the frag plug. Try and get back into a good spot or glue it to a frag plug.
I'm not really sure if it came loose. It seemed very secure and looked like it had a strong base. I'd like to glue it to another frag but I can't find a base on it to secure it.
I'm not really sure if it came loose. It seemed very secure and looked like it had a strong base. I'd like to glue it to another frag but I can't find a base on it to secure it.

Can you grab a frag plug form your LFS. Sometimes there generous and will give you one.
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