hard green algae

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Aquarium Advice Newbie
Jan 2, 2006
on canada
i have 2 tanks with the same problem. there is this green algae on the glass and ornaments that really hard to get off. i don't mind having algae, it is just really hard to get off the glass. is there an easy way to remove it.

tank 1: 10 gallons, 5 goldfish, natural light (not direct)
tank 2: 30 gallons, 6 zebra danios, 2 red fire dwarf gouramis, 2 chinese algae eaters, 1 crab flourescent light( 30 watts)
Get yourself one of those scrapers made just for that type of algae; they work great if you provide the elbow grease! ;)
If your dealing with glass tanks and not acrylic, then a razor blade is the absolute best solution. Minimal elbow grease involved. However this shouldn't be used on an acrylic tank as it would be much to easy to scratch it up. My next favorite are those algae magnets. Make sure to get one that is the right size for your tank and the correct style (glass or acrylic). They require a little more elbow grease but do an excellant job.
I use an old credit card. It's a lot safer to use than a razor blade and works just as good.
You can get long-handled algae scrubbers which are great! Easy to reach difficult nooks and crannies, easy to clean afterwards, and only a small bit of effort to use. Also less dangerous than razors :)
My Mag Float scrapes off green spot algae just fine. My LFS advised me to buy the medium-sized one instead of the larger one, even though I was using it for larger tanks. Since I never bought the larger one, I can't say whether or not it works, but the medium-sized one works great for me.
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