Have a any cool aquarium plants?

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Aquarium Advice Addict
Jul 31, 2003
Hi there,

Just wanted to start a thread on cool aquarium plants (should really start in the planted forum, but I like this one more :D).

I've got a tiger lotus in my tank which I'm really enjoying. Here's a link: http://www.petfish.net/Tiger_Lotus.htm. Mine look NOTHING like these, coz my plecos and loaches have been nibbling at them. But mine are still really pretty, and are sprouting new leaves every day!

How about you, do you have any cool plants?

that is a nice looking plant!

i don't really have any favorites as of yet, although the coloration of sunset hygro is very nice!

i had some red ludwiga do real nice for me:

but it had cut off the light to the rest of the tank, and the underside looked awfull with all the roots and what not
Thanks, DIY. I would have moved it if I knew how to DIMyself. Can you always move a thread, or does one need specific access?

Beautiful ludwigia! What type of fertilizer do you use? Tabs? Gravel? Plant food? Etc.

Oh, and that reminds me. I've got a lot of anacharis in one of my tanks, and they always grow fast, but die at the root because I don't fertilize them (feel a little guilty, really). I know I can't just replace all the gravel in the tank, so what do you recommend I do to fertilize them better?
i use seachem flourish in that tank, about 1ml every 3 days, diy co2 into the canister filter

some of the plants were potted in schultz profile, and some were just growing in mature plain gravel (18+ months old)

anacharis is not a true rooted plant ... you might be able to coax them into growing from the root with a clay substrate (in a pot for example). I had them growing this way in my 30 gallon when it was running kitty liter.

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