Heat lamp+Plants

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Calvin and Kyle

Aquarium Advice Freak
Feb 3, 2013
Hey guys I'm setting up a basking dock for a razorback musk turtle I plan on getting in a couple weeks.

I had the idea to get one of the "floating" basking docks to set at water level with suction cups for his possible basking spot. And then to make it more natural looking and blend in with my planted tank, hang some kind of ivy like fake plants they sell for terrariums at my LFS, over top of it, and hanging in the water.

My question is, will this be okay? Or would the fake plants not tolerate the heat?? (I plan on having the lamp on a timer for set amount of hours so it wouldn't be constant and it would be a UVB lamp)
Sure no problem, I have both fake and live. For live I use mondo grass and some ferns i found around my house
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