Heavy breathing, laying on side

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Aquarium Advice Newbie
Sep 5, 2003
Perth, Western Australia
Hi all,

I bought my first two fish (ocellaris) on saturday from LFS and they looked fine, brought them home and put them in the tank and all was well, eating sleeping swiming happily. I went back to the LFS on sunday and the other fish from the tank they were in were all laying on their sides breathing very very heavily. I was slightly concerned by this but didn't really think anything of this because my fish seemed fine. I've just got home today and one of my fish is laying on the sand displaying exactly the same symptoms - breathing very very heavily and not really moving at all...the other fish seems to be ok.

HELP!!! what am I supposed to do??

First off... Welcome to AquariumAdvice.com :)

If the clowns at home where exibiting the same symptoms as the fish at the LFS, I would suspect a parasite or possibley some sort of shock or poisoning from capture/transport.

Do the fish show any sign of spots or a milky slime coming from the body?
What is the ph of your tank?

Any additional info you can provide about the tank will help.


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