Hello All - (newbie with some experience)

The friendliest place on the web for anyone with an interest in aquariums or fish keeping!
If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.


Aquarium Advice Newbie
Apr 18, 2005
Hello Everyone, Just thought I'd introduce myself.

I'm a 25yr old Network Admin living in Winnipeg, MB. with my other half (the more experienced aquarium keeper), my 2 cats (who very politely sit and watch the fish without disturbing) and my 5 fish tanks.

The tanks include:

2 - Small Hex Tanks with 1 Betta Each
1 - 10 Gallon Brackish Puffer Tank (4 Dwarf Puffers, 1 Figure 8 Puffer)
1 - 30 Gallon Freshwater with 1 - Common Pleco, 2 - Pakistani (Yoyo) Loaches, 4 - Rams (Personal Fav so far), 3 - australian Rainbows, 1 - Dwarf Gourami, 2 - Kribs

You may have noticed I put 5 tanks, but have only listed 4, just the other day me and my other half put a deposit on a 180 Gallon (used) aquarium, it is a home made Tanks, very well built, sturdy as a rock, 3 sides are plywood coated in (I think) epoxy resin paint, with a large glass front, sump filtered. It is pretty basic, but we plan to dress it up. (I will be drawing up plans for a hood/lighting unit). It currently houses: 2 - Bala Sharks, I think 4 huge Tinfoil Barbs (may have only been 3), 1 Redtail Shark, 1 Pictus Cat, 2 Silver Dollars, 1 Large Pleco, and a few small guppies.

Anyway, I joined this forum today, because I decided I wanted to learn more and contribute more to our hobby instead of letting my other half make all the decisions :)

Look forward to talk to all of you, but I am now off to post my first question :)
AquaMann said:
Anyway, I joined this forum today, because I decided I wanted to learn more and contribute more to our hobby instead of letting my other half make all the decisions :)

If you think keeping fish is addictive, it's got nothing on being a forum member. :wink: Welcome.
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