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Aquarium Advice Newbie
Oct 11, 2013
Hello everyone!
I am new to aquarium advice and hope that you all can help me answer some questions that I have about my saltwater/ reef tank. I hope to not only gain more knowledge about my tank and it's inhabitants, but also some good insight as to what everyone else has tried to make your critters flourish! I know a lot about what I add to my tank prior to purchasing because I do do initial research to make sure everyone is compatible and that what I have will be sufficient. However, I also know that sometimes what 'the book' says isn't always 100% for everything. So I'm hoping to gain more insight of what you all have actually tried and been successful with when dealing with your reefs!
Currently I have a 55g reef tank which houses: a pair of maroon clowns, a pair
Of yellow tail damsels, a blue damsel, a velvet damsel, watchman goby, a potters angel, a green male mandarin and an orange female mandarin. Along with them, a cleaner shrimp, 2 red leg hermits, blue leg hermit, various snails, sand sifting sea star, flame scallop, 2 toadstool leather corals a condylactis anemone, plate coral, small frog spawn, candy cane coral - small, a yellow zooanthid, multi colored zoos, and a feather duster. :fish2:

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