Aquarium Advice Newbie
Let me start by saying hello to everyone. I am a Engineer/Paramedic( I drive the firetruck, pump fires) at a Fire dept here in Florida. I've had my 55g for along time only recently switching to a reef tank. And let me tell you I have alot to learn. I also have a 125 gallon predator tank and 6 gallon nano cube. I don't know where to post this so here goes. My biggest question is supplements. At this time I add reef complete, reef plus, reef calcium, reef carbonate, essential elements,
iodine, and reef vital dna. The tank seems to do alright I just think that is a whole lot off stuff to add. Is there an easier system?
iodine, and reef vital dna. The tank seems to do alright I just think that is a whole lot off stuff to add. Is there an easier system?