Aquarium Advice Newbie
Hello i guess, new member
Hello this is the first time being on a forum like this.
I started up fish keeping about a year ago and right now my fish stock and aquariums are
A 10 gallon aquarium with 3 african dwarf frogs and a king betta
A 20 gallon with 4 neon tetras, 5 black neon tetras and 4 pygmy corys
A 65 gallon with 14 tiger barbs (12 green, 1 albino, 1 glow light red) 2 Yoyo loachs, 1 rainbow shark, 2 plecos(1 super red bristlenose, 1 king tiger pleco L066)
I was wondering if i could fit any more fish in there or leave it be.
Hello this is the first time being on a forum like this.
I started up fish keeping about a year ago and right now my fish stock and aquariums are
A 10 gallon aquarium with 3 african dwarf frogs and a king betta
A 20 gallon with 4 neon tetras, 5 black neon tetras and 4 pygmy corys
A 65 gallon with 14 tiger barbs (12 green, 1 albino, 1 glow light red) 2 Yoyo loachs, 1 rainbow shark, 2 plecos(1 super red bristlenose, 1 king tiger pleco L066)
I was wondering if i could fit any more fish in there or leave it be.