Bettababe and everyone else has a good point about CL.
My question is. WHY isn't your sister being held accountable? She did after all kill them.
Shouldn't she be coming up with some of cash to replace the value of not only the 2 adult Betta's, but the money you could have made from selling the fry when they were a little older. That alone would be a few hundred dollars. Talk to your parents about it.
But Dale, before you set up another tank, you need to take a look at your temper. You had every right to be angry about someone killing your fish. I sure everyone here on AA could agree that they too would be very upset in the same situation. But your reaction to that anger has only made things worse, for you.
While your trying to figure out how your going to replace the equipment and the fish, give some thought about a healthy outlet for your anger. So nothing like this will happen to you again. Yes, your fish would still have been killed, but it would have been so much easier for YOU, if all you had to do is replace the fish.
Please don't take this as that I am blaming you, I'm not. You should be upset by what happened. And being only 16 years old you don't have a lot of say when it comes to who takes care of your fish when you have to leave with Mom & Dad. Which probably added to you anger.
But the only person you hurt with what you did is you. Do you have any idea what you can do to safely vent your anger, so you never lob your shoe in the direction of your tank again?
What do your parents think about you getting a part time job?