HELP! A leak!

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Aquarium Advice Regular
Jan 27, 2003
New York
Hi Again--

I have had my 75 gal planted tank now since Jan and after doing a water change this afternoon, I think there may be a VERY SLOW, but present, leak in my tank. What do I do? Obviously, I am concerned about having to remove all the fish, etc from the tank cause I don't want to disrupt the system. Also, I am extremely concerened about being able to move he darn thing cause it's obviously gonna be heavy and it is on a tank stand that has no way of fixing it from underneath.
Any advice would be sooo helpful. THANKS!

First thing you gotta do is find the location and extent of the leak... after that I'm sure these guys will be able to help you out. :)

One of the other things to look for is capillary action, that is were water travels up the inside of the aquarium in the corners and goes over the top and runs down the outside, this can give the impression of a leak when infact it's not. One of the main courses of this is airstones and bubbles in the corners of the aquarium.
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